The past continuous and the simple past tense
*The past continuous shows an action that was in the progress in the past.
S+ was/were +V +I ng
I was sleeping at ten o'clock last night.
*نستخدم الماضي المستمر للتحدث عن حدث قد استمرفي الماضي
*Use the past tense to show an action that occurred one time and then stopped.
S +V2
The telephone rang at ten o'clock.
*يستخدم الماضي البسيط للتحدث عن حدث حصل في وقت ما في الماضي وانتهى فيه
*Use the past continuous and simple tense to show one event interrupting an action in progress.
Action in progress(past continuous)= I was sleeping
One event(simple tense)= when the telephone rang
*يستخدم الماضي البسيط والمستمر عند استمرار حدث ما في الماض وحصل حدث اخر قطع حدوث الحدث المستمر